Community Classes
Keeping You Active
Free Community Classes
At The Y we offers a wide range of FREE Community Classes for all ages and abilities, focusing on getting you moving and keeping you active.
We offer low-medium impact classes ranging from:
- PrYme Movers
- Heart Health
- Mobility 101
- 50’s Forward
- Fitness Forward ($2 a class)
- Y Pod
- Fit 2 Function
We have qualified and experienced instructors to guide and support you and we are ACC accredited.
Heart Health
About Heart Health
Our Heart Health class is a fun circuit that caters to all levels of fitness. Great for cardiovascular health.
Tuesday & Friday 9.30am – 10.30am

Mobility 101
About Mobility 101
This mobility class in conjunction with ACC is a gym based option that helps you navigate the fitness centre with the suport and guidance of our instructor. The class is an entry-level light gym session designed to assist you with building confidence with gym equipment.
Monday 9:00am – 10:00am

PrYme Movers
About PrYme Movers
Combining a mixture of step, strength, bikes, cardio and stretching, PrYme Movers is a medium level of fitness for all ages and abilities.
Monday 10:00am – 11:00am

50’s Forward
About 50’s Forward
If you’re over 50 and want to stay fit and healthy then 50’s forward is for you.
This 45 minute class is low-medium impact aerobics.
50’s Forward also has a social side with excursions in and out of Gisborne, a sales table and weekly raffles.
Wednesday 9:30am – 11:00am

Fitness Forward
About Fitness Forward
An hour of low impact aerobics for those wanting something fun, up beat and energising. This class is an extention of 50’s Forward but a full hour of aerobics.
Monday 1:00pm-2:00pm

Green Prescription (GRx)
About Green Prescription
Green Prescription (GRX) is a low cost option in partnership with Sport Gisborne Tairāwhiti. It offers support and guidance for those getting back into physical activity, or may need extra support with healthy lifestyle changes.
The YMCA offers low cost access and memberships to the fitness centre and classes to help clients get active and stay active.
Please note a current Green Prescription card needs to be presented.
Monday to Friday 6am-8pm
Saturday 8am-1pm
Casual $5
Concession $20 for 6 sessions
$119 for 3 month membership

Y Pod
About Y Pod
A slow and steady circuit designed to assist with building movement and confidence after an illness or injury. This class is and extention of Green Prescription. A safe and fun environment with experienced trainers.
Thursday 1:00pm-2:00pm

Fit 2 Function
About Fit 2 Function
Run by supportive and experience staff this circuit class is designed to support those recovering or living with the effects of a stroke. The class is a great way to stay active, be social, and gain confidence.
Tuesday 11:00am-12:oopm